Azolla ZS 22 / 32 / 46 / 68 / 100 / 150

AZOLLA ZS is a particularly high performance anti-wear hydraulic oil.

Product Description

Designed for use in all kinds of hydraulic sytems running under the most difficult conditions, such as in machine tools, mould injection machines, presses and other industrial or mobile equipment.

It is also used in many other applications where a universal, high performance anti-wear lubricant is the first choice: low charged gears, sliding and roller bearings, air compressors, servo-motors and control systems equipped with fine filtration systems.

International Specifications
International Specifications: AFNOR NF E 48-603 HM ISO 6743 / 4 HM DIN 51524 P2 HLP CINCINNATI MILACRON P68, P69, P70 VICKERS M-2950S, -I-286 DENISON HF0, HF1, HF2 (T6H20C)

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